Work in Progress

Control of Superconducting Qubits using RFSoC

We have developed a quantum control and measurement system using RFSoC FPGA. We already verified the device in our quantum experiments. Currently, we are working on integrating our device drivers to the high level experiment control software PycQED.

Control of Trapped Ions using RFSoC

The control of trapped ions requires the mixing of multiple signals at various phases and frequencies. The FPGA design involves a softprocessor specific to trapped-ions to encode the instructions given by the user and generate the signals from 16 DAC channels. We already verified that our modules for generating the signals work as expected. We are currently testing the functionality of our processors. 

Measurement of Trapped Ions using a Quantum Efficient CMOS Camera

We currently utilize EMCCD cameras and an FPGA for real-time image processing to identify the quantum states of multiple trapped ions in parallel. Recently, high-resolution CMOS cameras can also provide high quantum efficiency between 300-350 nm wavelength. We work on designing a system to realize state identification using Hamamatsu ORCA-Quest camera and an FPGA. 

An Ultra-low Noise Feedback System for Quantum Gas Experiments

We developed an ultra-low noise 20-bit 8-channel DAC system for controlling steering mirrors, acousto-optic modulators and magnetic field coils in quantum gas experiments. In this system, FPGA sends the sample values to 8 separate DAC cards using Ethernet cables. We are currently working on integrating this system into experiment control software. Our next task will be designing an ultra-low noise ADC system for feedback.