Completed Projects

Quantum systems are continually being scaled up, necessitating corresponding improvements in the hardware used for control and readout. Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are well-suited platforms for fast and flexible parallel signal processing. The Zynq UltraScale+ radio frequency system-on-a-chip (RFSoC) is such a platform, offering 16 analog-to-digital converter (ADCs) and digital-to-analog converter (DACs), as well as several central processing units (CPUs), combined with an FPGA into a single system-on-a-chip (SoC). In this system, we realize real-time signal processing functionalities including signal averager, weighted integration, state identification, histogram generation, correlation measurement and neural network. I supervised the development of QuFast-Antelope at Quantum Engineering Center in ETH Zurich for the quantum experiments with Superconducting Qubits at Quantum Device Laboratory.

QuFast-Ion is a low-latency trapped-ion quantum state detection system developed under my supervision at Engineering Unit of Quantum Center, ETH Zurich. In a scalable architecture with many ions, parallel readout with EMCCD cameras offers a great speed up compared to serial readout with Photo-Multiplier-Tube (PMT). This system includes an FPGA for real-time image processing and can identify the states of the 60 ions in 225 μs. The system is used in quantum experiments at Trapped Ion Quantum Information group.

Laser Stabilization System
Quantum optics experiments require laser beam stability but also the ability to extract information about the beam, like the elliptical beam diameters or the azimuthal beam angle. For laser stabilization, low-latency, high-frame-rate profiling is required due to unpredictable disturbances such temperature changes and mechanical vibrations. This system realizes a runtime tunable PID controller on an FPGA. Through DAC channels, four parallel PID modules supply feedback for the steering mirrors that stabilize the beam.

Laser Reshaping System
Modern optical lattice experiments hope to leverage both the collective and individually addressable properties of neutral atoms in pursuit of a universal quantum simulator or computer. Popular approaches involve the use of spatial light modulators (SLMs) to shape laser beam profiles as well as to create arbitrary potential landscapes. The traditionally used nematic liquid crystal-based SLMs are limited in their modulation speed and fail to produce static images. In this work, we present a control and testing framework that allows for high speed and low latency control of an alternative SLM, the digital micro-mirror device (DMD).

Depthor is a RGB+Depth camera that I developed during my PhD and Postdoc. The 4 minutes video results of Depthor is in the link below.
My Phd Thesis is in the link below.

I developed Giga-Eye system in the first two years of my PhD in EPFL. Giga-Eye is capable of recording omni-directional video at 30 fps with a resolution exceeding 9000×2400 pixels, and 82MP video at 9 fps. The development of the device is financed by Armasuisse to defend important locations in Switzerland, such as Davos meetings, against drone attacks. I tested it in Swiss army base in Thun.

Low-Power Motion Estimation
I developed one-bit transform-based motion estimation hardware in my MSc and BSc study at Sabanci University. My MSc Thesis is in the link below. I received Dr. Gürsel Sönmez research award from Sabanci University due to my research outputs during my MSc degree.

MSc Semester Project Student Lui Yu, July 2023.
List of Student Projects
I supervised more than 50 Bachelor, Master and PhD students and interns in their projects at ETH Zurich, EPFL and Sabanci University. All of them successfully completed their projects.